
The Massacre at Cheung Chau Fish Restaurant (3) - Hitman Codename 47Walkthrough

The hit on the Blue Lotus Triad has triggered a full-scale war between the triads. The district police chief, being on both Triad's payroll, is quite concerned with the current predicament.
A truce meeting between the two Triads has been arranged by the police chief. The meeting takes place on neutral ground in a small Chinese Fish restaurant. If this mission is a success, Lee Hong will be within your grasp.

Hong Kong, China.
Terminating the Red Dragon triad leader Lee Hong will be nearly impossible. Hong resides inside an enormous complex, complete with bar, restaurant, shop, brothel, helipad, park and possibly even more. A small army guards the place... and the Hong Kong police are on his payroll.
The only way to get to him would be by instigating a war between the two large triads Red Dragon and Blue Lotus and then somehow contriving to remove Hong's police protection.
Killing Lee Hong will take a detailed plan and a lot of preparation.

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