
Gunrunner's Paradise (9) - Hitman Codename 47 Walkthrough

Welcome to Rotterdam.
Your next target is the man who supplied Lee Hong and Pablo with weapons, the notorious gunrunner Arkadij Jegorov, aka Boris.
Boris is hiding on his ship somewhere in the harbor of Rotterdam, but we do not know the exact location. We have information that a local dutch gang has arranged to purchase some of Boris' merchandise. By tracking them, we might be able to locate the ship.
Our intelligence department has stumbled across a weird fact that you should know. It seems that Lee Hong, Boris, Frantz Fuchs and Pablo all served in the French legion together. If that is a coincidence, it is one weird coincidence...

Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
At the harbor of Rotterdam the Russian gunrunner Arkadij Jegorov, aka "Boris", is planning his next deal. He's got a secret blueprint of a nuclear weapon and a couple of nuclear warheads. He's about to sell the blueprint to an unscrupulous dictator.
The deal is supposed to go through within the next weeks. In the meantime the gunrunner is dealing arms to the local gangs. The Agency knows that the police have been trying to find him but he is well hidden in the huge harbor area. To search all ships would be impossible. We're thinking of another way of tracing the ship.

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